Thursday, January 10, 2008

Possession - Conquer Those Giants

40 days In God's Presence
Day 14-The God Who Conquers Giants

I love the children's fairy tale of Jack and the Bean Stalk. Now that was a giant.
Jack wanted adventure but most of all he wanted a better life. And then there's the story in the Bible about the twelve spies. Sent into a land to spy it out 10 spies were looking at their circumstances and 2 focused on what they were told they could do. Conquer the Giants!!

I love a great story where you hear how someone,
against all earthly odds, conquered their giants -

restrictions put on them by others.
For me that is my definition of a giant.

And then there is the story of the lion and the mouse. To the mouse the lion was his giant, but in time of desperation and pain the lion needed someone to help him out. His deliverer became the mouse. The mouse had to overcome his fear of the giant in order to become a giant himself. What do we measure our giants by: sight, pain, memories, imagination, or someone else's "evil report". What are we waiting on - let's conquer our giants today. With God All Things Are Possible!!

We should go up and take possession of the land,
for we can certainly do it. Numbers 13:30

Dorset Button FAT Trade

I conquered, I overcame. I finished with 5 decent dorset buttons through perseverance. That and knowing the deadline was "looming."
Dorset buttons were made in a cottage industry in southern England from the
early 1700s until about 1860. Women, men and children were employed in the
industry. They even used prisoners and orphans to make buttons. The
industry justified the use of such workers as a time to teach people a
marketable skill.
The button's names describe their patterns: crosswheel, bird's eye, basket, mite and knob. as stated in 50 Heirloom Buttons To Make by Nancy Nehring.

The Dorset Button trade is finishing out as I mail my buttons to five traders around the world. I actually added beads to most of them, so this pic is not what they finally looked like. But then most of the things we fear and conquer usually never looks like what we thought it would, or it's never accomplished the way we thought it would be either.

Posture yourself to conquer. What's that old saying, "Fake'em out". You may be shaking in your boots but your giant can't see that. Stand tall, for you have been given the land.

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