Sunday, July 27, 2008

Design and Pattern


I forgot I had paper towel pressed this moth I found one day at work. The design on this creation is wonderful. I wonder if I
could recreate the pattern on a quilt block?

Son's Phone Call
I forgot to turn off my cell phone today while at work. My son called and was so excited about another song he recorded last night - he wrote the lyrics, the words - well he composed it all.
He is so excited at what God is doing through him. His church is considering using it as a feature song.

and here is another "that's interesting but unusual thing" for you to ponder.

I was reading my Bible today in Proverbs 27 and then I worked on one of my search -n- circle word puzzles. It was Famous Animators and the funny thing about it was my last name was in the search words and another word "Ruby." When I circled the word "ruby" I felt impressed with the word. One thing that struck me was the ruby is my birth stone. I briefly thought of a little girl that had played on the course several weeks back.

When it came time to take my break I left and came back 15 minutes later. My relief person said he had four new players on the course. As the group got closer to the holes where I could see them - well guess who was in that group?

Ruby - the cute little girl from several weeks before. I remembered her and her mom. When she came up to the window I called her by name and ask how she was. Her mom told me she loves to come play there. What are the odds!! Actually odds don't have anything to do with, but God does.

1 comment:

So Much To See said...

Well, if you DO design a quilt based on that moth, I certainly want to see it! And I'd love to hear some of your son's music. What a blessing musicians are to the church body! Music can touch our hearts in ways other words can't.