Monday, November 17, 2008

Gingerbread House

I watched my neighbor, my son, decorate his home for Christmas. I call it the Ginger Bread House. They bought a tree and placed red, white and blue balls on it. I remember when this young man loved decorating our home. One year he even ran the lights up over the roof and back down across my fence to the end of the property. Even my hubby wants to get our tree up. That's so unusual for him.

Now he makes a new memory for himself and his wife. I love it!! So after dark I went over, stood in the yard and took firsts. Pics to put in their book of firsts. This year for Thanksgiving my DIL will be working. I hate that but I am glad she has a great job. So we will just make dinner early enough for her to enjoy before going to work.

Day 11 - 20 Things I Am Grateful For
1) my herbalist recommending alter. meds for doggie him getting better
3) dreams God places in your heart visions
5) a vocabulary a woman who taught her hubby to see all as God's creation
7) the library interlibrary loans
9) cool days and raking more leaves
11) my hubby spending time with each son my children
13) the soul journaler, Kathryn great prompts
15) the love of a daughter working through loss of mom
17) being able to help her so care for others
19) early morning time along reading my Bible


sherry carrigan said...

I think it's grand that your are making a book of firsts. Wished I'd thought about that years ago. Hugs!

morningDove said...

aw yes now to work on putting something together.