Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Rough Day

Today has been a rough day. I may have picked up a bug from my DILs mom. I've pretty much slept all day. I did get one of my blog winner prizes finished early this morning and its to be mailed out tomorrow.

Grateful for
1) Christmas cards family updates
3) warm day comfy bed
5) being able to rest water
7) son helping out travel mercy for son
9) sons being off today sons having fun together
11) hubby taking his mom to dinner family
13) quiet sleeping
15) smell of fresh air hubby working
17) paying bills order
19) friends God's faithfulness


sherry carrigan said...

Oh Dove, hope you are feeling better real soon.

Mary S. Hunt said...

hope you get over it FASSSSt!

Jacq said...

I pray you are doing better. My mom has been fighting a nasty bug for awhile now. Take care. Jacq