Saturday, January 03, 2009


I thought I would show you a few Christmas gifts from my youngest son. Forgive the scan, its not all that great. I was actually shocked how well my sons have finally figured me out.
My DIL seemed to get everyone into the "giving" spirit. He also gave me a beautiful soft oh-i-so-love-the-feel-of-this sketch journal.

Bead grateful, bead joyful, bead full of excitement to be alive.

Yesterday I read Matthew 1:1-25 as part of my daily Bible reading but when I was younger I hated reading this part. I wasn't all that impressed with reading "the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." etc. But now that I am older and genealogy is so popular I "get it." Most want to know from whence they came.

Now I enjoy reading it and bc I love numbers I think it is very significant that there were 14 generations differentiated from Abraham to David and 14 from David to carrying away into Babylon and from the carrying away unto Christ. Numbers are very significant.

My MIL gave us a framed Coat of Arms of Name and Heraldry along with an interesting book full of information. My hubby's family did an extensive genealogy on their name. I should inquire about buying a copy of it. Did you know the study of names and their origins is called Onomastics?!! I once read somewhere my hubby's last name was a name for "sheriff." Which I find interesting since three generations of police officers are in his family that we know of. My son, my hubby and my FIL. Maybe I should investigate this further!!!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Wow! The correlation of your hubby's/son's surnames and occupation choices are amazing. Very interesting.