Friday, February 27, 2009


It began as a tiny pinprick and turned into a cancer of great proportion.
man's programs, man's plans, man's slogans, man's opinions.

This doodle started from a group of circles out of control.

Heartache of a Father

i know as a mom your heart can ache for a child. But when you see the heart of a godly father aching for one of his own it tears even more at my heart. i love my husband's love toward his sons. but even more i love his prayers and the trust he has in God for his sons. For where our treasure is there will be our heart also. Lay up in Heaven treasures that can not be stolen or eaten by moths. In Malachi it says God will turn the hearts of the children toward the father and the father's heart toward his children.
I am so thankful for God's Word and that it is alive and working.

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