Friday, February 19, 2016

Its Been Awhile

so much has happened!!  esp. on Jan 4 with my 3D mammogram. God has healed me from the "c" word. my husband and i were so surprised at God's SUDDENLY.  we had prayed for it. many had prayed for it around the country. and then it came SUDDENLY.  i have much to be thankful for esp. my little McK, first grandchild.  i get to enjoy her every day bc my family lives next door. she comes to visit and we get to love on her.  my hubby is over the moon with her and she with him.  i can get up and do laundry, clean the house, wash dishes, get on my hands and knees to pray but also to clean up after my sick doggie. i can clean up mud prints on my carpet. and I AM SO GRATEFUL. the last half year of '15 was trying to say the least BUT GOD, well HE is amazing.

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