Friday, June 12, 2009

i love

how God speaks to me everyday. this morning its raining, a fresh, soft, gentle rain with birds chirping in the background and the day feeling fresh and new - ready to begin with me again.
that's how God works. His mercies are new every morning. yesterday i purchased the book
The Secret Things of God - unlocking the treasures reserved for you by Henry Cloud. i'm reminded my treasures are not here but in Heaven - other fellow believers.

we received a distressing call last night. our oldest called saying - believe it or not - he was involved in another car accident with our taurus. while sitting stopped at a stop light he was hit in the rear end by a car moving at 35mph. this sent him into the car in front of him which sent that car into the car in front of them. when he called he was at the hospital being checked. oh my heart just took a major leap and God moved with me to take another leap of faith that He had my son in the palm of his hand. but for my hubby who was already exhausted it was more than nerve-racking. he headed down to the beach to check out our son, the car and the accident.
seems a bunch of hispanics hit our son. i'm afraid it may be the usual scenario - no license, no insurance, he couldn't speak but very little english. why do we as a country continue to allow this to happen? i wish they would just do away with any laws for our citizens too. what's the point of having laws if we are not going to enforce them? and then i am reminded God has laws that never change; no matter what we try to do, no matter what we try to change and bid with God on - He never changes - He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Birthday ATC swap

whatever things are lovely think on these.

1 comment:

sherry carrigan said...

Oh my. Hope son is doing well. Simalar thing happened to my daughter on Monday. Very nice card. Hugs and prayers.