Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Painted Picture

So much to say - well on Saturday i felt very impressed to pick up two books at the bookstore. One i will share right now. God began to speak to me about my Word for 2010 - its a little thing he started to do with me in 2008. The book is called The Season of Joy - Mannheim Steamroller Christmas by Chip Davis. Little did i know as usual it was a setup. You would not believe how many times the word or variations of the word "Wonder" are in this little treasure to me. BTW my 2010 word is WONDER
my hubby was struggling on Sunday, could not say much without tearing up. We took a ride and listened to the music - titles being - Catching Snowflakes On Your Tongue and STille Nacht. what peace this music brought to us.

He knows what we have need of before we ever do. God knows how i desire His joy. The titles in the book: The Joy of Wonder, The Joy of a Family, The Joy of Friends, The Joy of Music, The Joy of Giving, The Joy of a Baby.

i asked my hubby to consider buying a guitar to play to me during this time.
i feel very much that his playing will bring healing to my soul in ways he would never realize. i look forward to being serenaded by him. looking forward and not behind.

wonder - awe; that's what this word leads me to. wonder-full, wondrous, wonderer, wonderland, wonderwork, wonderment, wonderfully, all i can say is i'm wonderstricken.

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