Wednesday, August 26, 2009


wow ok now this is interesting - my friend that prays with me every morning suggested a cancer treatment ctr from a commercial she saw last night. and then - when i arrived back home from walking my dog hubby calls with a number to call of a couple that work for a cancer treatment ctr. you guessed it - the same center. what's a girl to do!! forgot to say the center is in PA.
they evaluate you over three days - they meaning surgeon, oncologist, naturopathic, clinician and spiritual leader. wow! whole mind, body and soul.

i talked to my son's girlfriend and found out my son is really struggling with me having cancer. but my decisions at this time for no chemo, no radiation are what's troubling him more.
you see he is the one i share with and he shares with me - he's open to what the Lord is doing in his life. So we move on to the next spiritual level together and see where God is leading.

I'm fast-reading several books i received yesterday - Outsmart Your Cancer and Beating Cancer with Nutrition. i went to my naturopathic today. looks like the big guns are being pulled out for me to begin taking. i'm pretty sure i've arrived at the decision to stop working probably after next week.

my body is tired too much of the time and my mind seems to be shutting down at times - not good when working with money.

1 comment:


I think that I would be very troubled just as your son. Your body needs the attack from medicine, faith and natural remedies as well. I have a friend that has gone this way for years and she makes her own spelt. Even her chickens eat a certain feed to be high in Omega 3's. Organics will be your best friend. I'm still pulling and praying for you. God gave us skilled surgeons too. Bless you!