Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trees BR Page

Trees Bedroom Page for Me
i never posted Trees' page for me bc it came during the rough time with the diagnosis. There for a while everything stopped, the only focus was getting to the next doctor. I've been reading Suzanne Somers' book Knockout. It very interesting she has complied a list of alternative doctors for cancer treatments. Sad to say the medical field acknowledges they have killed many people from the meds they have administered. Suzanne Somers diagnosis was a nightmare to say the least. At least she has a voice that can make it count. Think of the everyday patient that deals with misdiagnosis and if they follow blindly believing the doctors are like a god. Not!!
My list of gratitudes
1book Knockout, 2Sarah Palin new book, 3Glen Beck's books, 4Psalm 1, 5my friend's new devotional book, 6reading for pleasure, 7gathering information, 8checking things out for myself, 9a new tire on car, 10checkup on car, 11money to pay the car bill, 12my naturopathic visit, 13herbs at work, 14trusting in God, 15B&N, 16peppermint tea, 17my hubby's attentiveness, 18twenty-one days to cruise, 19talked to all my sons today, 20God's faithfulness.

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