Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sketch or Sketchy

During my work yesterday I decided to work on a sketch out the
window at work. I haven't finished it yet. I also had a little scare with a weirdo. I had to ask a manager to come down to take care of this guy.
My son happened to be working that zone and called me later to say he had spoken with the individual and informed him he shouldn't be on the property if he's not playing. This guys conversation went obscene very quickly with me. This was very unsettling but I do have a lock on the building I am in and I will use it.
Its a beautiful day here and I am signing off to take my dog to the park. My son left last night bc he wanted to be in church this morning.


Fannie said...

Great sketch, Dove. I find that sketching helps me to "see" what I sometimes overlook.

Sorry about the incident.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

Noel said...

Dove, your sketch is interesting! So this is what you see looking out of your tb window.

Sorry to hear about your disturbing experience!

Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day.