Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Stranger In My House

27th Anniversary Cruise Countdown

14 days remaining - 2weeks - I awoke at 2am out of a dream where we are running to catch a plane. I awoke just as we were getting to the door of the plane. Were we allowed to board? In the dream I left everything on the plane - all luggage and all my carry-ons and ID. They were already on the plane. Not a good feeling.

I remember when my DH came home and told me he had been checking out all the county communities for our permanent home. He found a sweet little new development close to the town limits and wanted me to go look. At that point in time I couldn't even find my way out of what they called "Confusion Corner"; it was where all roads seemed to converge and you had to know where you were headed. I am definitely directional challenged. lol. He had picked a lot out on the main road. I could see that was not a good selection if you had children. We drove up into the cul-de-sac and there is where we found our lot. We contracted to have our home built and made a few changes to define it as ours. We had placed our mark on our little piece of "heaven" on earth. Our backyard neighbor was a wonderful, older couple that adored our little son.

Once when I decided to take a quick shower our son decided he wanted to investigate outdoors without me. He had figured out how to unlock our front door. I will never forget that day stepping out of the shower upstairs and hearing a strange voice talking. Talk about unsettling. Thank God he had wondered into our backyard and our neighbor had noticed him by himself and brought him back inside our home. He was probably about 3 or 4 at the time. After that episode we bought a deadbolt and I locked it during the day when we were home. Needless to say I never took a shower during the day again for a long time. Shortly after that we also fenced in our backyard.

That favor was reciprocated years later when we found a little boy wondering on the main street in dead of winter with no coat and no shoes on. He was headed to the playground to have fun. He was able to direct my hubby to his home. The only difference was that his mom was inebriated and passed out in the bedroom. Even after explaining where he was found, she didn't seem a bit concerned about him.

Quilting Arts Inchies from Houston

Quilting Arts magazine gave the FAT group an opportunity to exchange inchies by way of mail. You sent in a certain number and in return you would get the same amount from people around the world. One of mine came from France. I love the diverse group of inchies I received in the mail. The felting, texture, embellishments and fibers are wonderful on each one of these little works of art. I love the little shovel on the first one and the map and letters "GO" on the second. Its amazing what can be placed on something this tiny. Barbara at Quilting Arts did a tremendous job organizing this project.

1 comment:

Jacq said...

What a fun way to trade inchies.