Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Three Strand Cord

27th Anniversary Celebration Cruise

Day 8 - I've always heard it said "a three-strand cord is not easily broken." Early on in our marriage my hubby and I realized that for us to have a strong marriage our relationship to one another had to be tied first off to God and our relationship to Him. The most precious thing my husband can do for me is pray for me and with me about circumstances and life. I remember the first time we decided we would pray together before he left for work in the mornings. The prayers he would pray for me brought me to tears. On days when things got tough I would remember the words he prayed for me and somehow things seemed to become easier. I am grateful for a praying husband.

Homemade Fabric Paper

Last week a friend stopped by and brought me a gift. She knows me pretty good. When I began
to play with the tissue paper and saran wrap the
gift was wrapped in she knew something was up.
I grew very excited about the two pieces of wrap. I explained to her that she truly had brought me some wonderful gifts. Items I could play with in fabric paper making. I cut a strip of muslin, applied the watered-down fabric glue all over the muslin. Then I laid down torn orange tissue paper on top of that, layering as I went. I put on more glue, then torn up decorative plastic wrap (it had leaves on it). Then I kept layering. I let it dry and here is the finished product. It has air pockets in it and some edges of wrap are exposed. I also poured on glitter throughout the process. So you can see shimmer in the piece. I want to make postcards out of the fabric paper. This was very freeing and lots of fun. I got the idea from Jacq's blog. I wonder how it is to sew through? I will try this again.

1 comment:

Jacq said...

Your fabric paper looks wonderful. Have fun playing. I have never had a problem sewing with it.