Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Senses

My Senses

I love the colors in things God created. Yesterday I found this blue egg shell laying on the ground in my backyard. Of course, I had to take a pic bc I was drawn to the blue color. Even the decking color is an interesting background to the blue eggshell. Seeing!

Yesterday my hubby picked a magnolia bloom for me too. It is opening up today. I placed it on my kitchen counter and the smell is so lovely. What a great fragrance. Smelling!

I can hear outside my window the sound of a lawnmower. But my favorite sound outside my window is the chirping of birds as they begin to wake in the early morning hours. Yesterday around 3:30 when my dog was outside throwing up it was silent and still. Hearing!

When I awoke about an hour ago I looked in my frig and there on the top shelf was the macaroni salad my hubby had been craving. My DILs mom made it for my hubby, at his request. Last week he went over while she was next door and handed her a ten dollar bill. When she ask what that was for, he put in his request. She chuckled, and I am sure she was very honored that he desired to have some of her great food. Taste!

Yesterday during the middle of the day I went down to a neighbor's house to walk her two dogs bc she can't walk. She has been put into a wheel chair now. She has a bone disease. Even though it was hot and I was sweating while I walked each dog, I was so thanking God for the walk, the heat, the dogs, the great outdoors that I can enjoy when I want, just thanking Him for everything. The colors all around, the smells, the sounds, EVERYTHING!! I don't have to depend on someone else to get me where I need to go, but the dogs do and now my neighbor does. I wonder if there are companies that do "doggie rounds?" You know like traveling nurses.

I'm not taking anything for granted today. I am so thankful for all God has given me and even for things He has not given me. Things I don't even know about. Thanks Be To God!!

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