Sunday, November 25, 2007

27th Wedding Anniversary Cruise

Day 21- Reflecting back on my second pregnancy, it was another great time in my life. The pregnancy was easy, birthing came quickly and without complications. My second son came into this world smiling and truly grabbing on to the blanket being placed on him. He has never stopped smiling and grabbing for all that life has to offer him. When he is around one can feel the pure joy of being and the fullness in living a life of gratitude. He has this little smile that has never changed in his 21 years of living. His name means "Little King." In checkers the definition of a king is "a man that is crowned." A person that learns to be a servant to all is loved by many. He stands out in his servanthood and to me that makes him a crowned king. This part of his character was passed down from my DH's father. My FIL lives on through his grandson.

Never the Same Twice - Reversible Jacket

I promised I would post a pic after attending the
jacket class yesterday. Here is my finished jacket.
My teacher, Vicki, was true to her word;
the jacket is "doable" in a day. Even when the
participant knows nothing about sewing clothing. You really construct two separate jackets and put them together. What fun!
I am always ready to take a class like this one because the tips the teacher shares during the course of the class are invaluable. She has gone before you in reading the pattern, constructing the garment and checking any corrections that might need to be made since she is an experienced seamstress. Its like dancing, I get to follow the lead and reap all the benefits.
The flowery fabric has a soft pink background that makes the flowers pop. And the reverse side is a deep burgundy. I am amazed! The only thing left to do is finish the bottom opening by hand. I could have rushed to finish that part but at the end of the day I was out of steam and the hard part was finished.

1 comment:

Fannie said...

Wow, nice work! You're almost done. No UFO with this project. ;-D