Wednesday, June 25, 2008

FAT Goddess ATC Trade & Thoughts


I finished my Pink ATC series and am trading three in the FAT Goddess trade. I named them - Rae of Sunshine, Goddess of Wish, and Domestic Goddess. Here is a closeup of "Wish". This is made with paper fabric from tissue paper, muslin, acrylic paint and machine stitched. Embellished with left over paper fabric, a "wish" sticker, two turquoise beads, silk daisy flowers, and an utee face.
Do you know when you are being taken advantage of? Do you know how to gracefully and with diplomacy stand your ground without tearing the other person down? In the past I know I would have given anyone what they ask. I have an older gentleman at work the very first day he met me was interested in my schedule. He seems to want to change with everyone to get a perfect schedule for himself. I will go back to work tomorrow and have to let him know in a loving way I need to stick to the schedule for me without explanation, no apologizes and not feel bad about my decision. What do you do when a situation like that arises?


sherry carrigan said...

Great ATC's! I would do exactly what you said you were going to do. Be nice, but matter of fact, without explanation. No need to discuss further.

morningDove said...

thanks Sherry for letting me know how you feel.

Jacq said...

I like your ATC's, you have done some fun things with them. I agree with Sherry.

Sue said...

Definitely stand up for yourself on the work schedule. I like the idea of not going into any explanation. You don't report to him, it's none of his business! You have to look out for yourself first of all!