Monday, April 14, 2008

Peace, My Peace I Leave

Do you remember this sign from the '70s? I look around and it looks like its back, of course, with a twist on this generations take of it. I find it interesting that the Bible says there's nothing new under the sun. I want the peace spoken of in the Bible, not the world's understanding of peace. I'm not sure why I even started my post toward this direction. It's not what I had intended. But
I will do as I feel the Lord leading me today. His Peace!

That leads me to my blog header and why I started blogging. This blog was really intended to be a personal conversation between me and God. I know so many blogger statements refer to their art and expression. And that is part of mine but really the only purpose originally was to express my love relationship with God in conversation and show some of my creativity along the way.

And that leads me to another topic: copyright issues. I know I've posted on this briefly before. But Fannie ask me a question about the pic I used for my profile. It was a drum cover partial pic from another artists drawing that I did as a gift for a drummer in a Native American band. I never asked to use it on my blog. The pic is my quilt top but still the original belongs to him. So I do need to request permission to use it for another purpose other than the quilt. I remember my friend Ruth told me once when I was going to use a song printed on the back of a quilt for a sick friend, the quilt title was "Bridge Over Troubled Water", to ask permission from the composer/producers of the song. I wrote to them and they gave me permission only for that sole purpose. To have used it for something else would have been copyright infringement.

I don't understand all of this but friends help me to understand it. And I have read magazine articles about patterns/etc for quilters. There is so much to understand, I guess my gauge should be if I feel there is any question about using something then take the time to ask permission. It is better to be safe, full of integrity and honesty than to be sorry. Still I need friends to remind me and bring me back to ask - Is my gauge working? I'll get off my soap box. And all that to say this: when Fannie ask me the question it brought to remembrance the real pic I wanted to use but could never locate in my over 9000 computer pics. So I finally found it today and changed it to what was intended all along. Thank you Fannie for the extra push.

Here is a PIP I am working on. I started two nights ago. This is a picture of a pansy from the basket of flowers my hubby bought for me. I am experimenting with thread painting. I started with neocolors and then began to play with threads in pinks. The center is a deep burgundy. I haven't finished the yellow stamens in the center. I believe that's what they are called. I need more colors of pinks and then I do the leaves. From there I plan on cutting it out and finding a fabric with a trellis pattern to mount the pansy too.


sherry carrigan said...

Thanks for the soapbox Dove. You've prompted some necessary changes for me as well. Your thread art is looking really good.

Fannie said...

I remember the peace sign very well. I had earrings and a pendant.

I like your new picture. The old one was nice too.

It's easy to forget about copyright issues sometimes. Often infringement is innocent and unintentional. We get so focused on making art and nothing else. I try to be mindful of it, but I've made mistakes too. When we learn better; we do better. We help each other.